Bjorn took a deep breath of air. He looked up at the moon, and then over at the church. Then a thought struck him. "That, of course, is the source of all this Fifth Empire talk," he thought. "That's no ordinary church... Newly painted and flood lighted... No shortage of money in other words... A sure sign of a cult.... That's not a church at all. It must be the temple of that Fifth Empire cult."
And pleased with his reasoning, Bjorn looked around for someone to casually ask about the church, and catching sight of Peter, the sandwich guy, he walked over to him as if he already knew him quite well.
"So Peter, who's running that church up there?" Bjorn asked, while looking over at the baguettes in front of him.
"You mean the Church of the Golden Rule?" Peter asked, looking over his shoulder as if to make sure it was still there.
"Yeah... The Church of the Golden Rule," Bjorn reiterated as if he had known the name of the church for some time.
"That's Frederico's church," Peter explained. "He's Brazilian."
Bjorn nodded thoughtfully.
"Third generation German," Peter continued helpfully. "All his ancestors emigrated to Brazil in the mid nineteen forties."
"So! How do you know that?"
"He keeps talking about it. He uses it as an example to explain the concept of original sin."
Bjorn picked up a baguette. "I'll take this one," he said, handing Peter a token which Peter reflexively held up to the light of the nearest paraffin lamp to make a quick check for its authenticity. Then, after receiving his change, Bjorn continued his questioning.
"So you've been to his sermons?" Bjorn asked casually.
"Sure! They are very good!"
"Yeah, I think he really nails it. They are really worth going to... And there's always this singing and dancing too. Very entertaining!"
"Singing and dancing?" Bjorn asked, a little surprised.
"Yeah... You know the sort of stuff they are into over in the US and Brazil..."
"Yes, that's the word. His church is one of those evangelical ones. Very close to God. No Pope or Patriarch or any of that hierarchical stuff. Just everyone directly talking to God. It's great!"
Bjorn took a bite of his baguette before asking the question he was itching to ask.
"And this Frederico is the one talking about the Fifth Empire all the time, isn't he?"
"So you have heard about it?" Peter asked with a smile.
"Yeah... Everybody seems to be talking about it."
"Well, that's great news. I'm sure Frederico will be delighted to hear that."
"So he's the one?" Bjorn asked, pleased to have his suspicion confirmed.
"Sure... But he did not invent it, if that's what you think."
"No! The empire goes way back. It has no beginning and no end. It is eternal."
"The kingdom of God in other words?" Bjorn asked, checking to see if that idea too originated with Frederico.
"Exactly!" Peter answered, smiling even broader. "The Fifth Empire is the kingdom of God on earth. That's basically it. Once you realize that, you'll never view the world the same way again."
Bjorn half expected Peter to try to convert him at this stage, but Peter did not follow up on his explanation. Instead there was a silence while Bjorn downed some more of his baguette while looking over the crammed table that served as Peter's stall. There were several piles of different types of sandwiches and baguettes, and there were thermoses with different types of drinks, as well as two big coolers under the table, full of soft drinks and beer.
Peter had moved his cigarettes and magazines that previously occupied one end his stall onto an abandoned table next to his which made his stall a little less crowded than it would otherwise have been. And this made Bjorn wonder what happened to the owner of the stall that Peter was expanding onto. So, after letting Peter serve a young Norwegian couple, Bjorn asked him about this.
"We haven't seen him since Wednesday," Peter explained, pointing out the fact that the stall owner at the other end of the abandoned stall was expanding onto the empty table from his end too.
"Well, that's kind of convenient for you, isn't it?" Bjorn asked. "The extra space must come in handy."
"It sure does. I regret not having put up a bigger stall while I had the chance."
"But there's plenty of room. It's not like the whole village square is fully occupied."
"Yeah, but this spot is right in the middle, and I'd like to keep it that way. I don't want to let a competitor take over this spot."
"And your neighbour is gone with no trace?" Bjorn asked. "Have you tried to contact him?"
"Yes, we have, but he is not answering our calls."
"But he was struggling, though. I think he might have given up. Poor guy, a Russian from Nikel... He was trying to sell those wooden dolls, and Russian looking stuff... Completely missed the market...
I don't think we'll see him back here ever again."
Bjorn nodded thoughtfully as he listened to Peter. Then, asking Peter for permission, Bjorn grabbed the latest copy of the Gazette, and wishing Peter the best of luck on his business expansion, he headed back in the direction of the casino.
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