
Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Bjorn turned his attention back to the newspaper, and was busy reading an article on a new bowling alley being built in an old storehouse located close to the casino when the four o´clock news started on TV. Being more interested in what the Gazette could reveal about Lundby and its economy than what the national broadcaster had to say, he kept on reading the article, locking out the background chatter from the TV until Frank suddenly broke his concentration.

"Hey Bjorn! They are talking about us!" Frank said in a loud proud voice.
Bjorn looked up from the newspaper.
"... lack of control and transparency," a male voice said while a map of the Lundby area illustrated how far north and isolated it was. "No one should be forced to move up there."

The map disappeared, and was replaced by a live image of a female interviewer and a middle aged man dressed up as if he was some sort of punk rocker from the eighties. In the background, a small group of protesters were waving banners and holding up signs saying things like "Shut Down the Gulag", "We are All Human" and "Life and Liberty Before Profits".

The protestors were gathered in front of a gated property with several houses with numerous people peering out of windows, and hanging out their own banners in way of protest.

"The new asylum policy is simply inhumane," the punk rocker continued.
"But isn't it too late to do anything about this now?"
"It is never too late to stop this kind of fascism. We need to bring awareness to what's going on, and we will not stop until dignity and justice is restored to those seeking protection by our government."
"But in this particular case, we are talking about people who have had their asylum application rejected. Closing this particular centre and letting them choose whether to go to Lundby or back where they came from is actually giving them more choice, not less."
"The choice they are faced with is between the plague and cholera. It is no choice at all. Most of these people would have been given asylum under the old rules, so we are not only protesting the Lundby project, which is clearly outrageous, but also the change in procedures that our fascist government has put in place."
"But the decision to relocate all asylum seekers to a single centre in the north is hugely popular with most Norwegians. Do you really think you will be able to revert this policy?"
"Yes we do. Most people know deep down that there is something very immoral and wrong with this whole project, and once we manage to expose the true nature of what is going on up in Lundby, I am sure popular opinion will be turned firmly against it."

The interview ended abruptly on this optimistic note, and the anchor woman thanked the interviewer for her contribution without the interviewer having a chance to respond. Up next was a piece on the inauguration of the ex-prime minister as the new head of NATO, followed by some economic news with a piece dedicated to the falling gold price which was seen as proof of an imminent recovery of the world economy.

"Why did they choose Jens as new head of NATO?" Bjorn wondered out loud the moment Frank turned off the TV set.
"Well, he did lead our government for two terms in a row, and he got plenty of political experience," Frank replied.
"But he's not much of a fighter is he?" Bjorn continued. "Whenever there was a conflict he just disappeared for days on end until the dust settled. He was little more than a figure head."
"I liked him," Geir interjected. "He managed to hold the coalition together. You have to give him credit for that."
"Sure, but he was fiercely anti-NATO in his youth. He's a pacifist at heart, don´t you think?"
"People change," Geir replied thoughtfully. "But you're right, he is not exactly a great military leader."
"It is a bit strange," Frank conceded. "Odd choice for a leader of a military organization. Our foreign minister would have been a more natural choice. He is at least actively making military decisions on Libya these days."
"Yeah," Geir said with a big smile. "He's really showing those rag heads who's boss, isn't he?"
"He is pretty much running the whole government if you ask me," Bjorn added in agreement.

The conversation would have continued had it not been for Espen and John appearing in the doorway, wondering if there would be the regular card playing session despite the change in daily routines caused by Bjorn and Geir's visit to Lundby.

"Well, Thomas is still in the glass cage," Frank responded. Then turning to Geir he asked if he could take over for Thomas for an hour or two so that the four card players could get together for their regular session.
"Well, I still have three hours of service to complete for today," Geir replied. "I might as well take that now."

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